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Melissa & Dave - Adventures at Sea

Whole lot of nothing

We did pretty much nothing today.  Melissa read her book, and Dave went snorkeling.  Oh, and Dave along with the 3 other boats in Neko fleet burned their trash on the beach.  Someone asked if any of us had kerosene to start the fire.  No one had any till Dave pointed out kerosene is just a cleaner burning form of diesel fuel.  (Oh, and in case you were wondering, kerosene and Jet-A are the same.)  

Photo courtesy Neko

Photo courtesy Neko

We ate those giant crabs we bought yesterday for dinner.  Afterwards Melissa had to take a shower she was so covered in crab shell bits.  Those big guys were tasty - right up there with Dungeness Crab, but their shells were thicker and harder to crack.  Though interestingly the leg meat was tastier than the claw meat - which was a bit tougher.

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