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Melissa & Dave - Adventures at Sea

Blog posts May 2021

Great group of Neighbors!

We have such great neighbors here in Mexico!  They came for happy hour and we had a blast discussing everything from our favorite books to politics!  We solved all the world's problems!

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No good deed goes unpunished

After my crazy misadventure poking a hole in my cornea, I had my last eye doctor check up today.  I was given the "all clear".  Apparently the doctor can't even see a scar remaining.  Whew.

As I was leaving the hospital, I asked the front desk where the nearest florist was. Figured I would hav…

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Pot project nearly done!

Ok, for those paying close attention, we have a big pot project going on here.  No, not that kind of pot!  Our deck plant pots have been rotting out, and we bought a ton of pots to try and replace them.  I blogged our planned process here.  We stuck to the 6 step process - well 9 steps if you co…

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Not going blind. No really. Not going blind.

All is well.  Just starting there cuz what follows was a bit intimidating,  Ok, maybe more than a bit.

On Thursday I managed to poke my eye with a cactus.  Totally lame.  Leaned over to pull a deck pot into position only to be poked in the eye with a blue agave.  Square in the eye.  At first I …

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Kitchen Before and After

When we moved into the condo. the Kitchen was painted a blueish purple color.  Bizarre given the wood tones.

And there was this ugly modern picture on the wall.  So not our style.  And the color clashes.  Red painting, blue walls, orange tile and natural wood cabinets.  The combination was j…

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5 blog posts