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Melissa & Dave - Adventures at Sea

Pot project nearly done!

Ok, for those paying close attention, we have a big pot project going on here.  No, not that kind of pot!  Our deck plant pots have been rotting out, and we bought a ton of pots to try and replace them.  I blogged our planned process here.  We stuck to the 6 step process - well 9 steps if you count all the "two coats of this".  

And ended up turning this:

Into this:

The gardeners came to transplant all the pots.  They worked their asses off for a day and a half.  Plus they brought a lemon tree, lime tree, and new palm tree for the kitchen.  Plus soil, rocks for the bottoms of the pots, new dirt, and trimmed everything.  All that was... wait for it... $200 USD.  No that's not a typo.  Labor is stupidly cheap here - and counter to stereotypes - these guys HUSTLE.  

And mind you, they brought Melissa a truck full of lemon and lime trees here to the condo for her to choose from (how fun is that?!).  Who knew there were so many varieties of lime?  Melissa said "para Margarita" and located the right version.  The Lemon was "Americanos" variety.  Yep.  That will work.  They do need to grow into their pots.

The original project concept had been to try and make pots that looked like sea glass.  So high shine, and the color of the sea as it comes over the sand and turns from blue to green.  I originally shot photos on a sunny day and used an app to choose a color of the sea.  Then had Home Depot custom mix a color that matched.  Then a yellow stain over that to get the right green hue.  What do you think?

All the empty pots you see, next year will contain my veggie garden.  Tomatoes, cucumbers, jalapeno peppers.  These pots double as a safety wall.  Off to the right in this picture is a 4 story drop.  People like to sit on that wall and it makes Melissa go crazy.  (Yeah, yeah, short trip.)  This way it won't be so easy to get near the wall.  And fresh veggies!  

When all the pots were done, Melissa said to Dave (sheepishly), "I need a few more pots", to which he was like "you gotta be kidding".  Nope.  Small change in plan to do a big veggie garden meant we needed a handful more small pots.  Back to the store we go... 

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