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Melissa & Dave - Adventures at Sea

Big Dinner at Deb's Place

First thing this morning, the restaurant we had reservations at for tonight canceled.  Apparently they are in the process of moving the restaurant and won't be open till Jan 20.  Now, you have to believe that last week when Melissa made the reservation they already knew that, right?  Oh well...

But the canceled reservation gives Melissa an idea.  Deb's place has a big kitchen!  That means a place for Melissa to cook!!  So while Dave and Steve head to the lock museum, and Holly and Mike head to the mall, Melissa heads to the grocery store.  Joan who is feeling a bit better than yesterday, offers to chop and peel while Melissa cooks.  And cooks.  And cooks.

Wines paired with each course.  Appetizers were shrimp with cocktail sauce and a green garlic sauce, along side homemade crackers.  Paired with a Sauvignon Blanc.

Dinner was Steak au Poivre, garlicy green beans, and twice baked potatoes served with Cabernet Sauvignon.  Dessert was chocolate mouse with brandy.  Here is everyone hanging out waiting for dinner to be served.  All in all, it was a great night!


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