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Melissa & Dave - Adventures at Sea

Saturday Night BBQ

Apparently on Saturday nights here at the marina there is a BBQ.  We had no idea till Dave from Heart and Soul dropped by and mentioned it about 5pm.  BBQ starts at 6pm.  Ok, better whip up some food, huh?  So Melissa digs the last of the chicken breasts out of the freezer and marinates them in an orange and ginger dressing.  And tosses a coleslaw together.  Ok, that ought to do it!

So all was good till it was time to light the marina BBQ.  Someone had brought charcoal, which was lit by tossing a cup of alcohol on it.  Alas, the alcohol in the cup lit on fire.  Leading the fire starter (it was NOT Dave - Melissa is willing to attest to this in court) to drop the cup with the now light alcohol on the grass where it (fortunately) quickly burned itself out.  Unfortunately for whatever reason, the charcoal never really got hot enough to grill stuff.  What could possibly go wrong with charcoal anyway?   So finally one of the cruisers grabs his propane BBQ off his boat and lights it up.  But since the propane BBQ was tiny - intended to feed 2 people not 16 - the heat was not nearly enough and Dave eventually got totally frustrated with how long our chicken breasts were taking to cook.  Must have been 45 minutes in total - where it should have been about 15.  Oh well, at least they were moist and tasty when they finally came off the BBQ.

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