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Melissa & Dave - Adventures at Sea

MacGyver Goes to the Doctor

Ok, this is one of those icky medical posts.  If you hate that stuff stop reading now.  Poor Dave managed to cram into this last week of preparations way too many doctor's appointments.  All of whom were hacking and slashing him.  Last Thursday he had some oral surgery.  They had to slice his gum open.  Bleck.  Monday he had his yearly skin cancer exam where they biopsied two spots and froze a third.  One biopsy turned up positive for pre-cancer so he has to go back and have that one slashed again later.  Then on Wednesday he had an eye doctor appointment to have a sty looked at.  They decided to slash that open.  Bleck.  And then decided to biopsy it too.  Then cauterize both the inside and outside of the eyelid.  Wednesday night we went to a hotel to begin (oh fun) the process of a colonoscopy he was to have on Thursday.  This meant no pain killers for the prior procedures.  Contrary to doctors orders, Melissa brought him one Martini because "its gonna go right through me anyway".  And leave it to Mr. MacGyver, but the whole "you will be knocked out and remember nothing" thing was not to be.  Apparently he is one of those rare people with super liver enzymes that metabolize the anesthesia as fast as they can pump it into you.  So he was awake to "watch the movie" and ask questions.  The doctors didn't get to slash him on this one though, because he got a totally clean bill of health.  No biopsies.  Afterwards they said to "take it easy on the food". Yeah right.  First stop - the nearest burger joint.  The nurse's only victory was that I didn't let him drive home.

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